Origin: India
Plant Part: Dried Seeds Kernel
Process: Steam Distillation
Appearance: Yellow to Reddish Brown
Natural Aroma: Musky, Nutty, Spicy, Warm Fragrant
Type: Pure Essential Oil
Purity: 100%
Blends Well: Bay, Clary Sage, Coriander, Geranium, Lavender, Lime, Mandarin, Oakmoss, Orange, Peru Balsam, Petitgrain and Rosemary oils
Features: anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, apertive, aphrodisiac, carminative, cholagogue, laxative, stimulant, and tonic properties
Aromatherapy Uses: Anti-Oxidant, Analgesic, Aphrodisiac, Laxative, Stimulant, etc
Nutmeg Essential Oil
Beauty and Fragrance
Nutmeg essential oil is used in cream and lotion forms for removing corns and warts.
Medicinal features:
Nutmeg essential oil destroys maggots in wounds, fungal and parasitic infestation while its roots or seeds expel poison from the body.
Nutmeg essential oil comes from a plant that grows in shady areas, sunny positions, tropical climaxes, for it grows in deep and fertile soils. However, the plants are either monoecious (male and female reproductive organs in same species) or dioecious (male and female reproductive organs in separate species).
Nutmeg essential oil relieves respiratory issues such as bronchitis, chest infections, and coughs besides treating bruises, cuts, wounds, and chest infection.
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or sickness.